Ask These 5 Questions to Decide Your Next Career Move
In our 43rd tip of the week, we look at the importance of focusing on having a great and prosperous career.

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Careers evolve and unfold over many years, and even decades. So how can you be sure that you are on the right path, and you’ll achieve your definition of success? To take control of your future, step back and reflect on your present. Write down all the accomplishments and just take a moment. In order to really define your success and reflect on it, ask yourself the following five questions:


  1. How fulfilled do I feel? This is often about whether you are able to express your values at work. Identify what is most important to you and then consider, “On a scale of 1-10, where 10 is the ideal, how well am I able to express this value in my job?”


  1. How am I learning and growing? To what extent are you building competence or expertise in your sector or function? What competencies do you want to develop further in the year ahead?


  1. Am I headed toward a long-term goal? While everyone hates the question “Where do you want to be in 10 years?” stepping back to figure out a broad vision can help you pursue opportunities more proactively, versus reactively. You might ask yourself “What do I want in my (work) life in three to five years?” which is a more manageable chunk of time.


  1. What seeds can I plant today that will benefit me tomorrow? Career success is often the result of the cumulative effects of small, regular actions.


  1. What relationships do I need to build to help me realize my vision? You cannot do it alone, no matter what the “it” is. Given your goals, who are the people who can help you get there?


We all know that careers are not linear, and they evolve and unfold over many years, even decades. Asking yourself the questions outlined above can help you shift from autopilot to being in the driver’s seat so that you can be intentional and ensure that you achieve your definition of career success.


Zucker, R. (2022, January). Ask These 5 Questions to Decide Your Next Career Move. Harvard Business Review.

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Mark Kalin je izkušen manager, podjetnik, innovator, mentor, predavatelj in strokovnjak za vzpostavljanje inovativnih ekosistemov in transformacij kultur ter strokovnjak za vzpostavitev visoko zmogljivih virtualnih timov, z zelo bogato izobrazbo in poslovnimi izkušnjami.

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