Sean Swarner – “Turning impossible to possible: Climbing Mount Everest, 7-Summits, Both Poles and finishing the Hawaii Ironman.”

V 92. epizodi smo gostili izjemnenga Seana Swarnerja, ki nas je popeljal v svet mogočega.

Potek epizode

00:00 - 00:40  Uvodna misel

00:40 - 04:35  Napoved gosta

04:35 - 06:40  v gimnaziji

06:40 - 09:04  odziv na zdravniško prognozo

09:04 - 10:53  Adventurers' Grand Slam

10:53 - 11:36  ...novim izzivom naproti

11:36 - 13:16  priprave na Adventurers' Grand Slam

13:16 - 15:30  ... točka, kjer si je rekel “zakaj mi je bilo tega treba”

15:30 - 17:18  koliko časa je namenil pripravi na vzpone in ostale športne dosežke

17:18 - 17:59  kateri dosežek  mu je predstavljal največji izziv

19:39 - 22:25  kako pomaga organizacijam, podjetjem

22:25 - 24:07  priprave na nov dan in potek dneva

24:07 - 27:14  AHA moment

27:14 - 29:15  citat, ki ga največkrat uporabi

29:15 - 30:57  kako motivirati novo generacijo

30:57 - 32:18  mentor, ki ga je najbolj fasciniral

32:18 - 34:05  kako sestaviti ekipo

34:05 - 37:43  kako se spopada s stersom

37:43 - 38:35  o tremi pred nastopi

38:35 - 40:24  podobnosti oz. povezave med športnikom in podjetnikom

40:24 - 41:57  katere so njegove veščine in vrednote kot vodja

41:57 - 44:15  najljubša knjiga, tv serija oz z čem se sporošča

44:15 - 45:25  ravnovesje med delom in zasebnim življenjem

45:25 - 46:05  podjetnik ki ga jemlje kot zgled

46:05 - 46:36  najljubša hrana

46:36 - 38:36  najljubša aplikacija

38:36 - 50:28  ključna spoznanja

Omenjeno v epizodi

Favourite book:

  • Never never quit, Mike Shields, Link.

Naroči se

"Inspire people to believe more is possible, motivate them to take the first step and empower them."

Sean Swarner

Spoznaj gosta

Sean Swarner’s story

Sean’s first goal was to crawl 8 feet from the hospital bed to the bathroom. A person who, at the age of 16, overcame a second fatal cancer with a prognosis of 2 weeks to live. Due to the therapies, Sean also lost the function of his right lung wing, which means that he only has 50% of his lung capacity.


Two-time cancer survivor Sean Swarner became the world's first cancer survivor to complete the Explorer's Grand Slam-scaling the highest point on all seven continents and then hiking to the North and South Poles. Only a handful of people have ever done it, but no one against the overwhelming odds Sean faced.


To prove the power of the mind with his story, at the age of 26 he climbed Mt. Everest, as the first to recover from cancer. Since then, he has crossed all boundaries, climbing every highest peak on every continent, skiing to the North and South Poles (thereby achieving the title "Adventurer's Grand Slam" as the 7th in history), regularly participating in marathons, Iron Mans and the like tests. Now, at the age of 50, he starts running 7 marathons on 15 November, in 7 days on 7 continents.

He went on to Redefine Impossible by climbing 29,035 feet to the top of Mt. Everest with one lung! From there he stood atop the highest point on all 7 continents, skied to the South and North Poles, and completed the Hawaii Ironman.

Sean Swarner has provided invaluable leadership to a global audience, offering his expertise in Personal Leadership, Coaching, Goal Accomplishment, Teamwork, and Perspectives. Drawing from his experiences in achieving historic milestones, Sean imparts wisdom that extends beyond mere success, instead focusing on the profound comprehension of perpetual achievement. His guidance empowers individuals to redefine their personal limitations and transcend their perceived boundaries.

Favourite quote:

  • You can go a month without food, you can live three days without water, but you can't go more than sixty seconds without HOPE. - Sean Swarner
  • It always seems impossible until it's done. Nelson Mandela

Favourite book: Never never quit, Mike Shields

Favourite series: Seinfield

Hobbies: running, brewing beer, cooking, traveling

Favourite food: pizza

A role-model businessperson: Warren Buffet, we messaged back and forth

Favourite mobile/web app: Keep notes, Outlook, Connect

Key teachings for the audience: 

  • Inspire people to believe more is possible, motivate them to take the first step and empower them
  • There are enough resources to share. We aren't in competition with anyone else. Just yourself.
  • Internal dialog and perspective are key for your success


Sean Swarner, LinkedIn.

Mark Kalin je izkušen manager, podjetnik, innovator, mentor, predavatelj in strokovnjak za vzpostavljanje inovativnih ekosistemov in transformacij kultur ter strokovnjak za vzpostavitev visoko zmogljivih virtualnih timov, z zelo bogato izobrazbo in poslovnimi izkušnjami.

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