While listening is an essential skill for anyone in the workplace, the art of asking questions is equally, if not more, important. Smartly framed inquiries will help you clarify your work tasks, deliver better results, and mitigate unforeseen risks. In addition, by asking we learn more about hidden opportunities, get to know people and connect on a deeper level. Here are three key characteristics of great questions and how to put them into practice.
Many of us find ourselves worrying more about saying the right thing in a conversation, as opposed to asking the right question. Personal development and growth begin when you demonstrate curiosity by asking questions. Asking great questions can propel your career to remarkable height and the best way to learn this, is to practice.
Do you practice asking the right questions?
Have you ever just listened?
Besieux, T. (2022, May). The Art of Asking Great Questions. Harvard Business Review.
Mark Kalin je izkušen manager, podjetnik, innovator, mentor, predavatelj in strokovnjak za vzpostavljanje inovativnih ekosistemov in transformacij kultur ter strokovnjak za vzpostavitev visoko zmogljivih virtualnih timov, z zelo bogato izobrazbo in poslovnimi izkušnjami.
Bodi na tekočem in nikoli ne zamudi novih podcastov, Tip of the Week-ov, Leaders Talk-ov in ostalih vsebin ter dogodkov.
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